This Week's Health Tip:
Pls to improve your health this week, I suggest you take this steps. I assure you of some good experience as a result of obedience to this tips, ok! 1. Take a purgative this morning, I recommend 6 sachets of Andrews Liver Salts in a glass of water. Also important is that you de-worm your self today without fail! 2. Make up your mind to eat only food that is close to nature. NB: every processed food including Noodles has adverse effect on health. 3. Replace food with fruits once it is 6.30 or 7pm. The reason is that we don't burn the energy from late-food and we store them as body weight. 4. Increase water intake to constantly hydrate the body mass. NB: our body are about 75% water and can only function properly when hydrated. I have not taken Analgesics for more than 1year now, how? Even when I am stressed and down with head ache, I simply take two sachets of water and rest my head without talking for 10mins and the head ache is gone. 5. PLEASE!! PLEASE!!!!! Run away from Minerals of any kind, Ice creams, Can foods, Nkwobi, Pop corns, reduce alcohol, processed foods. 6. Good thoughts are part of what encourages Healthy Living, like the bible said, "A merry Heart is Good Medicine" Anger and Resentment emits chemicals into our system that is not good for our health! No wonder science has proven that Anger has the propensity to curse Ulcer* I will meet you at the end of the week better! Yours in service,source : (Sam Uwadiegwu A.)
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